Hi guys,
    I'm facing a strange thing on my test server (Google Cloud)

On my Debian 9 box I'm running Postgres 9.6.10, and I'm transferring some databases from another server (Debian 8, PG 9.5.15).

The command I'm using is
root@xxxxx:~# pg_dump -v -C -h <remote host> -p 6543 -U postgres <dbname> | psql -h localhost -p 6543 -U postgres <dbname>
It presents a double password prompt after I run it:
Password: Password for user postgres:

I enter _once_ my postgres password, and it starts processing data.

At a certain point it suddenly stops processing without prompting anything, and goes on only if I insert my postgres password again, as if it was for one of the two prompts it showed at the beginning where I entered only one password. After another bit of processing, it asks another time (the third!) my postgres password. After I entered it, it goes to the end (and there are no issues in data or anything simia.

After this, I have no more echo on what I'm typing, but if I type something and press enter, I can see the result of the command I just typed (and have not seen) on the console.

Restarting the SSH session resolves the problem.

The same strange behavior is the same if I switch servers (running pg_dump on Debian 8/PG 9.5 connecting on Debian 9/PG 9.6)

Another thing I was forgetting to report:

If I create database (just database, not schema) on target machine, I receive the error "database xxxx already exists" but the dump goes on If I don't create it, I receive the error "database xxxx does not exist" and processing aborts.

Hope I've been clear enough......

Has someone bumped into it?

Thanks in advance


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