On 28/11/2018 22:49, Stephen Frost wrote:
* Chris Withers (ch...@withers.org) wrote:
We have an app that deals with a lot of queries, and we've been slowly
seeing performance issues emerge. We take a lot of free form queries from
users and stumbled upon a very surprising optimisation.

So, we have a 'state' column which is a 3 character string column with an
index on it. Despite being a string, this column is only used to store one
of three values: 'NEW', 'ACK', or 'RSV'.

Sounds like a horrible field to have an index on.

That's counter-intuitive for me. What leads you to say this and what would you do/recommend instead?

Really though, if you want something more than wild speculation, posting
the 'explain analyze' of each query along with the actual table
definitions and sizes and such would be the best way to get it.

table definition:

# \d alerts_alert
              Table "public.alerts_alert"
     Column      |           Type           | Modifiers
 tags            | jsonb                    | not null
 id              | character varying(86)    | not null
 earliest_seen   | timestamp with time zone | not null
 latest_seen     | timestamp with time zone | not null
 created         | timestamp with time zone | not null
 modified        | timestamp with time zone | not null
 type            | character varying(300)   | not null
 state           | character varying(3)     | not null
 until           | timestamp with time zone |
 latest_note     | text                     | not null
 created_by_id   | integer                  | not null
 modified_by_id  | integer                  | not null
 owner_id        | integer                  |
 owning_group_id | integer                  | not null
 latest_new      | timestamp with time zone | not null
    "alerts_alert_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "alert_tags_index" gin (tags)
    "alerts_alert_1efacf1d" btree (latest_seen)
    "alerts_alert_3103a7d8" btree (until)
    "alerts_alert_599dcce2" btree (type)
    "alerts_alert_5e7b1936" btree (owner_id)
    "alerts_alert_9ae73c65" btree (modified)
    "alerts_alert_9ed39e2e" btree (state)
    "alerts_alert_b3da0983" btree (modified_by_id)
    "alerts_alert_c5151f5a" btree (earliest_seen)
    "alerts_alert_e2fa5388" btree (created)
    "alerts_alert_e93cb7eb" btree (created_by_id)
    "alerts_alert_efea2d76" btree (owning_group_id)
    "alerts_alert_id_13155e16_like" btree (id varchar_pattern_ops)
    "alerts_alert_latest_new_e8d1fbde_uniq" btree (latest_new)
    "alerts_alert_state_90ab480b_like" btree (state varchar_pattern_ops)
    "alerts_alert_type_3021f46f_like" btree (type varchar_pattern_ops)
Foreign-key constraints:
"alerts_alert_created_by_id_520608c0_fk_alerts_user_id" FOREIGN KEY (created_by_id) REFERENCES alerts_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "alerts_alert_modified_by_id_6db4b04b_fk_alerts_user_id" FOREIGN KEY (modified_by_id) REFERENCES alerts_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "alerts_alert_owner_id_0c00548a_fk_alerts_user_id" FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES alerts_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "alerts_alert_owning_group_id_a4869b66_fk_auth_group_id" FOREIGN KEY (owning_group_id) REFERENCES auth_group(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
Referenced by:
TABLE "alerts_alertevent" CONSTRAINT "alerts_alertevent_alert_id_edd734b8_fk_alerts_alert_id" FOREIGN KEY (alert_id) REFERENCES alerts_alert(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED

Row counts by state:

# select state, count(*) from alerts_alert group by 1 order by 1;
 state |  count
 ACK   |    1053
 NEW   |    1958
 RSV   | 1528623
(3 rows)

here's an example of the "bad" query plan:

here's an example with all the "state!='RSV'" clauses rewritten as I described:

I'd suggest you check out the wiki article written about this kind of




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