This parameter can be updated on a "per table" basis.

Am Mi., 5. Dez. 2018 um 09:47 Uhr schrieb Rene Romero Benavides <>:

> Also read about hot updates and the storage parameter named "fill_factor",
> so, data blocks can be recycled instead of creating new ones if the updated
> fields don't update also indexes.
> Am Mi., 5. Dez. 2018 um 09:39 Uhr schrieb Alexey Bashtanov
> <>:
>> >
>> > The table has around 1.5M rows which have been updated/inserted around
>> > 121M times, the distribution of updates to row in alerts_alert will be
>> > quite uneven, from 1 insert up to 1 insert and 0.5M updates.
>> >
>> > Under high load (200-300 inserts/updates per second) we see occasional
>> > (~10 per hour) updates taking excessively long times (2-10s). These
>> > updates are always of the form:
>> >
>> > UPDATE "alerts_alert" SET ...bunch of fields... WHERE
>> > "alerts_alert"."id" = '...sha1 hash...';
>> >
>> > Here's a sample explain:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > What could be causing this? What could we do to debug? What config
>> > changes could we make to alleviate this?
>> >
>> Hello Chris,
>> One of the reasons could be the row already locked by another backend,
>> doing the same kind of an update or something different.
>> Are these updates performed in a longer transactions?
>> Can they hit the same row from two clients at the same time?
>> Is there any other write or select-for-update/share load on the table?
>> Have you tried periodical logging of the non-granted locks?
>> Try querying pg_stat_activity and pg_locks (possibly joined and maybe
>> repeatedly self-joined, google for it)
>> to get the backends that wait one for another while competing for to
>> lock the same row or object.
>> Best,
>>   Alex
> --
> El genio es 1% inspiración y 99% transpiración.
> Thomas Alva Edison

El genio es 1% inspiración y 99% transpiración.
Thomas Alva Edison

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