Hi Josef,

please avoid cross posting to multiple lists.

I m not a developer, but I think that if you do not want idle connections, you 
should terminate them on the side they have been created.

If your application leaves the connection open, then you will notice idle 
connections on Postgres when not in use.


fabio pardi

On 12/12/2018 10:37, Oygun Josef wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to terminate idle connections/sessions automatically through a 
> timeout in AWS or do I need to run a periodical cron job for this?
> Postgres version: 9.6.6
> Instance: db.t2.micro
> RAM : 1GB
> We are running a microservice architecture using docker with kubernetes and I 
> can see that every pod on every node that has connected to the DB still has a 
> idle connection as long as the node is still active even.
> It is both PGAdmin and the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver that leaves open idle 
> connections.
> *Josef Oygun*

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