Hi all and merry Christmas

I was under the impression that updating a table with values from (an) other table(s) would be implemented most efficiently with a correlated subquery a long the schema as follows, let's name it A.

   set ({column list}) = ({correlated subquery 1})
 where exists ({correlated subquery 1})

I set up a test case to figure out if this is the case. I compared the execution plan of a query with above pattern with the execution plans with the following patterns.

   set COL_1 = ({correlated subquery 1}),
       COL_2 = ({correlated subquery 2})
 where exists ({correlated subquery 3})

   set COL_1 = ({correlated subquery 1}),
       COL_2 = ({correlated subquery 2})
 where U.KEY_U in ({correlated subquery 3})

Explain analyze verbose showed for:
A (cost=264.72..626.97 rows=31 width=90) (actual time=1.117..1.117 rows=0 loops=1) B (cost=264.72..974.25 rows=31 width=58) (actual time=1.508..1.508 rows=0 loops=1) C (cost=0.42..611.19 rows=31 width=52) (actual time=2.217..2.217 rows=0 loops=1)

I am very surprised that the cost of A is (much) higher than that of C which I suspected to be the most inefficient. I was that much fixed on the costs that I initially ignored the actual time where my assumptions on efficiency are reflected. Funny though is that the subjective impression when waiting for the update queries to complete was that C was fastest by far, followed by B and only at the end was update A.

Now I wonder whether I do not know, how to read the explain plan summary, I should not trust my subjective impression with respect to time measurement or if my test case is faulty.

I carried out the test on an idle Windows 10 laptop with portable PostgreSQL 10.4 provided by PortableApps.
You can find test case script and log at https://pastebin.com/W2HsTBwi

I would appreciate your two dimes.

Kind regards

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