pá 4. 1. 2019 v 17:44 odesílatel Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> napsal:

> Kristjan Tammekivi <kristjantammek...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I've noticed a change in the behaviour in triggers / hstores in Postgres
> > 11.1 when compared to Postgres 10.5.
> > [ reference to OLD in an insert trigger doesn't throw error anymore ]
> Hmm.  This seems to be a side effect of the changes we (I) made in v11
> to rationalize the handling of NULL vs ROW(NULL,NULL,...) composite
> values in plpgsql.  The "unassigned" trigger row variables are now
> acting as though they are plain NULL values.  I'm not sure now whether
> I realized that this would happen --- it looks like there are not and
> were not any regression test cases that would throw an error for the
> disallowed-reference case, so it's quite possible that it just escaped
> notice.
> The old behavior was pretty darn squirrely; in particular it would let
> you parse but not execute a reference to "OLD.column", a behavior that
> could not occur for any other composite variable.  Now that'll just
> return NULL.  In a green field I don't think there'd be complaints
> about this behavior --- I know lots of people have spent considerable
> effort programming around the other behavior.
> While I haven't looked closely, I think duplicating the old behavior
> would require adding a special-purpose flag to plpgsql DTYPE_REC
> variables, which'd cost a little performance (extra error checks
> in very hot code paths) and possibly break compatibility with
> pldebugger, if there's been a v11 release of that.
> So I'm a bit inclined to accept this behavior change and adjust
> the documentation to say that OLD/NEW are "null" rather than
> "unassigned" when not relevant.

It is maybe unwanted effect, but it is not bad from my view. new behave is
consistent - a initial value of variables is just NULL



> Thoughts?
>                         regards, tom lane

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