On Thu, 17 Jan 2019, Adrian Klaver wrote:

It would produce results, so yes it would work. The question are they the
results you want?


  To which the answer is no as I just discovered.

The above would return anything with a next_contact less then today. That
could extend backwards to some undetermined point in the past, depending
on how diligent you where on updating next_contact. Before you go much
further I would look over the suggestions posted and then sit down with
pen and paper and figure out what it you want to track and how you are
going to maintain that tracking. Then draw up an outline of how you will
achieve that in code.

  I have that tracking defined (who is active and needs a contact today or
earlier) and am now working on how to code it so only the last contact for a
person is examined to determine if the active column = true. I'll ponder



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