
po 28. 1. 2019 v 11:18 odesílatel <haman...@t-online.de> napsal:

> Hi,
> I tried this code (to be inserted within a larger psql script)
> do $_$
> declare
>         next int;
> begin
>         select max(id) + 1 into next from items;
>         execute 'create temp sequence tmp_ids start $1' using next;

the parameter can be used only with statements with execution plan (DDL has
not execution plan).

you should to use execute format('create temp sequence tmp_ids start %s",


Pavel Stehule

> end
> $_$ language plpgsql;
> but that reports a syntax error near $1.
> What is the proper way of doing that?
> Best regards
> Wolfgang Hamann

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