On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 2:39 AM Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
> > 2. base backup is transferred directly to new server using
> > pg_start_backup + rsync + pg_stop_backup.

I excluded contents of pg_xlog only. Exact command was:

# start script
psql -Xc "select pg_start_backup('mirror to $standby', true)"
( cd $PGDATA \
  && find . -type d \( -path ./pg_xlog \) -prune -o -type f -print \
  | xargs -n $nargs \
  | xargs -P $njobs -I {} bash -c "while ! rsync -a -u -z -R --inplace
{} $standby:$PGDATA; do echo retrying; done"
psql -Xc "select pg_stop_backup()"
# end script

Actually I am now in the process of repeating this with
single-threaded rsync - and I'll see if same issue happens.
This is what I'm going to use:

rsync -a -z --inplace $PGDATA/ $standby:$PGDATA/

But it's unlikely to change anything. Still no idea what could be the
root cause.


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