Looking for a good tool that I can give to users to enter data (for
example, products, categories, brands, price tables and so on).
Preferably it should also allow images to be copied into a bytea field but
I know I can't have everything.

Been battling with a few open source 'headless' content management systems
the last few weeks.  All they really are is a data schema designer, an API
interface (for the API / database based ones like Strapi and Directus), and
a content entry front end, along with some access management added in.
And they don't necessarily play well with the DB, or the technology stack
is something I don't want to deal with.

I figure using PostgREST or Postgraphile or Python Graphene  or any of the
dedicated 3rd party REST / GraphQL APIs will probably give as good an API
as most of the new content managers,

pgModeler.io is a way better schema design tool than what I have found in
the CMS systems I have used so far as well.

Data that I would like to store (and edit) is the usual, but also images,
HTML sections, and markdown.

Any ideas?

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