On Thu, 2019-05-02 at 00:36 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Sergey Koposov <skopo...@cmu.edu> writes:
> > 
> > I'm currently trying to understand the expected row counts for a query 
> > involving a nested loop join and bitmap index scan 
> > on the functional index and a custom operator. And the numbers that I see 
> > don't make sense to me currently.
> What sort of selectivity estimator have you got attached to that custom
> operator?

This is the code, but basically it is just a constant based on the search 
radius (which is the leftmost float argument of the operator)
For the query in question it should be ~ 1e-12

The whole idea of the operator was to specifically inform PG that this query 
returns a small number of rows. 

(the underlying idea of the query is that it does positional crossmatch between 
datasets on the sphere with a certain small radius). And 
obviously the selectivity of this is is extremely tiny). 

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