On Thu, 2019-05-09 at 15:46 +0000, Julie Nishimura wrote:
> hello,
> We are running out of disk space, and we introduced new volume to it.
> I am about to create new tablespace X and alter user databases to set
> to this new tablespace X. So, all new tables will be created in X,
> but what about existing tables on previous volume?
>  Its data will be split between 2 tbspaces? 
> Please clarify. Thank you!

Tables and indexes can only be on one tablespace. You'll need to
individually move them with alter table and alter index. They will be
locked while being moved. You should experiment with this on a test
server to learn how it works.

However, unless your new volume has different I/O characteristics than
the existing volume you really shouldn't use tablespaces. You should
use your OS volume manager and filesystem tools to extend the data
volume and filesystem into the new space. This will be much easier to
manage. I'm sure your system administrator can assist you with this.

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