On 6/14/19 2:04 PM, Leandro Guimarães wrote:
   I have a scenario with a large table and I'm trying to insert it via a COPY command with a csv file.

   Everything works, but sometimes my source .csv file has duplicated data in the previously fulfilled table. If I add a check constraint and try to run the COPY command I have an error that stops the whole insertion.

  I've tried to put the data in a tmp table and fill the main using distinct this way (the fields and names are just examples):

INSERT INTO final_table values (name, document)
    SELECT DISTINCT name, document
    FROM tmp_TABLE t1
    SELECT 1 FROM final_table t2
    WHERE (t2.name <http://t2.name>, t2.document)
    IS NOT DISTINCT FROM (t1.name <http://t1.name>, t1.document))

Hit enter too soon on previous post.
Alternative to above query(rough code):

DELETE FROM tmp_TABLE where <check constraint parameters>;

The problem is that my final_table is a large (and partitioned) table and this query is taking a long time to execute.

Someone have any idea (really guys anything would be great) how to solve this situation? I need to ignore duplicates instead to have some error.

I'm using*PostgreSQL 9.4* so I can't use "ON CONFLICT" and upgrade is not an option.

Thanks and Kind Regards!

Leandro Guimarães

Adrian Klaver

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