hi again
here is my query
 *select   A.table_name  as "table_name",A.domain_name as "domain",*
* format_type(c.atttypid, c.atttypmod)  AS data_type ,A.column_name as
*  A.is_nullable as "nullable",A.column_default as "default"*
*  from information_schema.columns A inner  join pg_attribute c  on
*  where  a.table_schema in (select current_schema()) and  a.column_name
=c.attname ;*

if i run this query in any database contain at least one table with space
in their name , an error occurred
if i run this query in other database work fine
I tested this on pg 11.1  , pg 10.3, pg 9.6

Le jeu. 13 juin 2019 à 17:33, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> a
écrit :

> On 6/13/19 8:14 AM, John Mikel wrote:
> > * hi ,
> >   i am here to tell you that this  test in query is not working when the
> >   table name in the database or schema name   contain space
> >   a.table_name::regclass=b.attrelid
> >
> >   a is information_schema.columns
> >   b is pg_attribute
> >
> >   trying this in two different databases the first database contain table
> >   with space in his name (Problem when running query)
> >   the second no ( work fine)
> >
> >   the same problme if you get Oid from schema name.
> >   SELECT 'public'::regnamespace::oid;  work ;
> >   create schema " this is test" ;
> >   SELECT 'this is test'::regnamespace::oid;  not working ;
> Try:
> SELECT '"this is test"'::regnamespace::oid;  not working ;
> Same for table name. As example:
> select '"space table"'::regclass;
>   regclass
> ---------------
>   "space table"
> (1 row)
> >
> >   i have question how use join between  information_schema.columns and
> >   pg_attribute ? thanks
> >
> > regards*
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

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