On 17/07/19, Luca Ferrari (fluca1...@gmail.com) wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 9:38 AM Dirk Mika <dirk.m...@mikatiming.de> wrote:
> > That is basically still my main question. How do I start a
> > background job (e.g. a function) which waits by polling or LISTEN /
> > NOTIFY for records in a table to be processed.
> You will have a trigger that, once new tuples are created (or older
> update and so on) issues a NOTIFY.
> Somewhere (within PostgreSQL or outside it) there will be a process
> that issued a LISTEN and is locked until a notify comes in. Then it
> does process whatever you need to do.

We make extensive use of postgresql 'contacting' an external process,
but our use case involves many databases in a cluster rather than many
schemas. Also we don't have to deal with cancelling the external
process. We chose this architecture to avoid many postgresql
connections for LISTEN/NOTIFY.

We use a pgmemcache interface trigger to update memcached with a
notification of the database holding items to be flushed. A python
looping process running under supervisord checks memcache for items to
be dealt with, and does so in a serial manner.

For the use case mentioned a per-schema process may be required or a
sub-process/thread created, which could check perhaps for memcache to
signal cancellation of processing for the schema. I guess one might then
have thread locking/cancellation issues to resolve.


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