Thanks David. I’m relieved to hear that I’m not the only one who finds it hard 
to predict the behavior of some things in PostgreSQL just from reading the 
docs. Hypothesising and experimenting seem to be needed for the trickier cases.

You use the phrase "nested transaction”. This Google search gets no hits:

  "nested transaction" 

And as I’ve come to understand the phrase in the wider world, "nested 
transaction” is synonymous with “autonomous transaction”. PostgreSQL 11.2 
doesn’t support these. But I’ve heard that some future release might. So, as I 
see it, a single session can do only one transaction after another with no 
overlapping. My experiments using txid_current()—mentioned elsewhere in the 
offshoots from my original post—are consistent with this hypothesis.

On 07-Aug-2019, at 13:40, David G. Johnston < 
<>> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 12:18 PM Luca Ferrari < 
<>> wrote:
On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 8:28 PM Bryn Llewellyn < 
<>> wrote:

> B.t.w., I noticed that “set transaction isolation level serializable” must be 
> the very first statement after “rollback” (or “commit”). Even an invocation 
> of txid_current() after the rollback and before the ““set transaction” causes 
> this runtime error: “SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL must be called before 
> any query”.

Well, SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION must be the very first instruction of
every transaction, not only within the case you describe.

IMHO, The documentation, probably in chapter 13, could use some exposition on 
this topic.

What is being described here is basically:

[implicit] BEGIN (using default transaction options)
>>>>BEGIN (with inherited default transactions options)
>>>>ROLLBACK (to get rid of the nested transaction setup by the call with the 
>>>>inherited default options)
[implicit] COMMIT

As far as psql is concerned there is only one statement and once its executed 
psql issues the implicit commit to match the implicit begin is sent previously.

It should be better documented which combinations of outer and inner 
transaction commands are considered valid and which are not.  WIth examples.  
The current scattering of words leaves the user to perform trial-and-error, 
just as the OP has, to determine what is allowed.

The nested transaction seems like it has to be correct since otherwise the 
rollback as a first statement would attempt to rollback the transaction the 
call itself is executing within...

Note I only have access to v10 at the moment so I haven't tried my own 
experiments.  To my main point I shouldn't have to - the expected behavior 
should be something I could directly interpret from the documentation and in my 
admitted brief attempt I could not do so.

David J.

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