On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 5:54 PM stan <st...@panix.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 12:30:33PM -0700, Ken Tanzer wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 7:24 AM rob stone <floripa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > On Fri, 2019-08-16 at 07:39 -0400, stan wrote:
> > > > What am I doing wrong here?
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Your view assumes that all three "streams" contain all the proj_no's
> > > whereas your test data for expense_report_cost_sum_view has no proj_no
> > > = 764.
> > >
> > >
> > Hi.  I'm probably missing something, but it seems simpler to either join
> > with USING, or by COALESCEing the two ID fields in left part of the JOIN
> > clause (COALESCE(t1.proj_no,t2.proj_no)=t3.proj_no).
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Ken
> >
> > CREATE TEMP TABLE t1 (id int, t1_val TEXT);
> > INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,'T1_2');
> > INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5,'T1_5');
> > INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (7,'T1_7');
> > INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10,'T1_10');
> >
> > CREATE TEMP TABLE t2 (id int, t2_val TEXT);
> > INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3,'T2_3');
> > INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5,'T2_5');
> > INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (6,'T2_6');
> > INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (10,'T2_10');
> >
> > CREATE TEMP TABLE t3 (id int, t3_val TEXT);
> > INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (4,'T3_4');
> > INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (6,'T3_6');
> > INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (7,'T3_7');
> > INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (10,'T3_10');
> >
> > SELECT id,t1_val,t2_val,t3_val
> > FROM
> >     t1
> >     FULL JOIN t2 USING (id)
> >     FULL JOIN t3 USING (id)
> > ;
> >
> > SELECT COALESCE(t1.id,t2.id,t3.id) AS id,t1_val,t2_val,t3_val
> > FROM
> >     t1
> >     FULL JOIN t2 ON (t1.id=t2.id)
> >     FULL JOIN t3 ON (COALESCE(t1.id,t2.id)=t3.id)
> > ;
> >
> >  id | t1_val | t2_val | t3_val
> > ----+--------+--------+--------
> >   2 | T1_2   |        |
> >   3 |        | T2_3   |
> >   4 |        |        | T3_4
> >   5 | T1_5   | T2_5   |
> >   6 |        | T2_6   | T3_6
> >   7 | T1_7   |        | T3_7
> >  10 | T1_10  | T2_10  | T3_10
> > (7 rows)
> >
> OK, I am clearly not understanding this yet.
> Here is what I am trying:
> select
>         COALESCE(
>                 labor_cost_sum_view.proj_no ,
>                 material_cost_sum_view.proj_no ,
>                 expense_report_cost_sum_view.proj_no
>         )
> AS
>         proj_no ,
>         labor_cost_sum_view.labor_cost_sum ,
>         material_cost_sum_view.mtrl_cost ,
>         expense_report_cost_sum_view.burdened_cost ,
>                 coalesce( labor_cost_sum_view.labor_cost_sum, 0)
>                 +
>                 coalesce(material_cost_sum_view.mtrl_cost, 0)
>                 +
>                 coalesce(expense_report_cost_sum_view.burdened_cost, 0)
> from
>         labor_cost_sum_view
> full join    material_cost_sum_view  on
>         material_cost_sum_view.proj_no = labor_cost_sum_view.proj_no
> full join    expense_report_cost_sum_view  on
>         expense_report_cost_sum_view.proj_no = labor_cost_sum_view.proj_no
> ;
> Having simplified things a bunch, and removing casts and aliases etc.
> But here is what I am getting as a result set:
> proj_no | labor_cost_sum | mtrl_cost | burdened_cost |    ?column?
> ---------+----------------+-----------+---------------+----------------
>       45 |  3133.17500000 | 5394.6800 |   2564.980000 | 11092.83500000
>      764 |   810.75000000 | 7249.4800 |               | 8060.23000000
>      789 |  7015.57500000 |           |               | 7015.57500000
>         7456 |                | 4007.3000 |               | 4007.3000
>           33 |                |           |    241.380000 | 241.380000
>         7456 |                |           | 1747.110000   | 1747.110000
> (6 row
> Note that project number 7456 appears in 2 rows.
> --

If you look at 7456, it has data in your 2nd and 3rd tables (material &
expense/burdened), but not the 1st (labor).  So the first two tables (labor
& material) get joined for the first row you see there.  Then you are
joining the 3rd table (expense) to this join on:

expense_report_cost_sum_view.proj_no = labor_cost_sum_view.proj_no

But there is no labor_cost_sum_view.proj_no for 7456.  So the join doesn't
match, and you're getting a separate row for the expense column.

In the example I gave, the 1st two IDs were coalesced:

FULL JOIN t3 ON *(COALESCE(t1.id <http://t1.id/>,t2.id
<http://t2.id/>)=t3.id <http://t3.id/>)*

Which in your case would translate to:

full join    expense_report_cost_sum_view  on
        (expense_report_cost_sum_view.proj_no =

For 7456, the coalesce will yield the 7456 that would then join to your
expense row.

Also, FWIW, since your proj_no that you are matching on is the same in all
tables, you can join with USING instead.  Aside from being a little simpler
to write out, you also end up with only one proj_no column instead of 3,
and avoids the need to coalesce them as you are doing in the select.


AGENCY Software
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