On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 10:48 AM Arnaud L. <arnaud.lis...@codata.eu> wrote:
> I can run the script just fine during working hours.

I meant thru your scheduler (cron or something).

> It hangs against the same line in the sql script, all lines being "\copy
> (select ....) to 'file on unc share'".

This is a new detail to me: what if you output to a local file and
move it after on the share?

> This line is simply the longest running query because the view inside
> the select outputs almost 1M rows and does some subqueries.

I still don't get: is the line content the longest or the highest
numbered in the output?

> Also when the script is hung, output has not started (file size is 0).

This makes me think there is some problem with the share, not the
script. Again: test against a local file that you move (rsync?) to the
share after.


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