På torsdag 17. oktober 2019 kl. 15:48:09, skrev Ekaterina Amez <
ekaterina.a...@zunibal.com <mailto:ekaterina.a...@zunibal.com>>: 
Good afternoon,

 We've finally made the migration+upgrade from old server with v7.14 to
 new server with v8.4 and, before test and plan an upgrade to v9.6, I'm
 checking logs to find out if there's any problem with this upgrade.
 We've been fixing things and in only remains one problem in the log that
 I don't understand and not sure how to fix, or if it has to be fixed.
 Original logs are not in english so I'm posting my translation.

 In the morning we're making a backup of -let's call it- the main
 database. To avoid intensive use of this main database, we have a second
 db that's a copy of the main one, used only to display data to some
 users that don't need it up to date and that shouldn't change anything.
 So at night we're restoring the morning backup from main database into
 this second one. The upgrade that I've mentioned has ended with both,
 main and second databases, being in the same server. The "problem"
 (because I'm not sure if it's really a problem) is that while the backup
 is restoring in the second database, it seems like autovacuum is
 launched and conflicts with this db restore. The log is this:

 [...] Several messages about checkpoints running too frequently [...]
 2019-10-16 23:01:30.904 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB - LOG: 
 duration: 7446.139 ms sentence: COPY one_table (some_columns) FROM stdin;
 2019-10-16 23:01:37.457 CEST - [13750] LOG: checkpoints are running too
 frequently ( 9 seconds)
 2019-10-16 23:01:37.457 CEST - [13750] HINT: Consider changing
 «checkpoint_segments» configuration parameter.
 2019-10-16 23:01:58.663 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB - LOG: 
 duration: 6492.426 ms sentence: CREATE INDEX another_table_index1 ON
 another_table USING btree (another_field1);
 2019-10-16 23:02:04.042 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB - LOG: 
 duration: 5378.886 ms sentence: CREATE INDEX another_table_index2 ON
 another_table USING btree (another_field2);
 2019-10-16 23:02:11.742 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB - LOG: 
 duration: 7699.246 ms sentence: CREATE INDEX another_table_index3 ON
 another_table USING btree (another_field3);
 2019-10-16 23:02:12.742 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB - LOG: 
 sending cancel signal to blocking autovacuum with PID 162869
 2019-10-16 23:02:12.742 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB -
 DETAIL: Process 162851 is waiting for ShareLock on relation
 3880125365 for database 3880125112.
 2019-10-16 23:02:12.743 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB -
 SENTENCE: CREATE INDEX another_table_index4 ON another_table USING
 btree (another_field4);
 2019-10-16 23:02:12.743 CEST - [162869] ERROR: cancelling autovacuum task
 2019-10-16 23:02:12.743 CEST - [162869] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of
 2019-10-16 23:02:20.899 CEST - [162851] - user@[local]:secondDB - LOG: 
 duration: 9157.371 ms sentence: CREATE INDEX another_table_index4 ON
 another_table USING btree (another_field4);

 After upgrade main db to the new server, I've tuned following parameters
 in postgresql.conf (using pgtune recommendations)

 max_connections = 200
 shared_buffers = 8GB
 work_mem = 2621kB
 maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
 effective_io_concurrency = 2
 wal_buffers = 8MB
 checkpoint_segments = 32
 checkpoint_completion_target = 0.7
 effective_cache_size = 16GB
 log_min_duration_statement = 5000
 log_line_prefix = '%m - [%p] %q- %u@%h:%d - %a '
 standard_conforming_strings = on

 I've been looking for the problem with checkpoints and I've decided to
 let it be, because these messages only appear when we make the second db
 restore. The rest of the log is clean from checkpoint messages.

 But I don't understand why I'm getting those messages about autovacuum
 blocking db restore process. I guess that after one table is created
 with COPY sentence, as many rows have been inserted, autoanalyze process
 runs to gather statistics for the Execution Planner. But why is
 happening this block? Is autoanalyze running before the table gets fully
 loaded? Is this really a problem? If so, how can I handle it? This task
 is running at night, when nobody is using second database.

 Thank you for reading,


It is normal to get these "canceling autovacuum"-messages when restoring a 
database, just ignore them. 
If it bothers you, just turn autovacuum off by setting this in postgresql.conf:

autovacuum = off 

and reload the config (SIGHUP) 

 Andreas Joseph Krogh

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