I have the following query:

        to_char(read_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') as text_date,
        CASE WHEN lat_2>lat_1 THEN
        END as ns_dist,
        CASE WHEN lon_2>lon_1 THEN
        END as ew_dist,
        CASE WHEN alt_2>alt_1 THEN
        END as ud_dist,
        lat_e/10::float as lat_e,
        lon_e/10::float as lon_e,
        alt_e/10::float as alt_e,
        CASE WHEN rapid THEN
        END as rapid
                g1.read_date as read_date,
                g1.rapid as rapid,
                g1.lat as lat_1,
                g1.lon as lon_1,
                g1.alt as alt_1,
                g2.lat as lat_2,
                g2.lon as lon_2,
                g2.alt as alt_2,
                ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID( ST_Point( g1.lon, g1.lat), 
                                        ST_SetSRID( ST_Point( g1.lon, g2.lat), 
4326)::geography)/1000 as ns_dist,
                ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID( ST_Point( g1.lon, g1.lat), 
                                        ST_SetSRID( ST_Point( g2.lon, g1.lat), 
4326)::geography)/1000 as ew_dist,
                g1.alt-g2.alt ud_dist,
                sqrt(g1.lat_e^2+g2.lat_e^2) as lat_e,
                sqrt(g1.lon_e^2+g2.lon_e^2) as lon_e,
                sqrt(g1.alt_e^2+g2.alt_e^2) as alt_e
        FROM gps_data g1
        INNER JOIN gps_data g2 ON g2.read_date=g1.read_date
        WHERE g1.station=%s AND g2.station=%s
        ) g3
ORDER BY read_date;

Which, when executed on my system for a particular par of g1.station and 
g2.station takes about 190ms to run (explain output here: 
https://explain.depesz.com/s/8Nf9 <https://explain.depesz.com/s/8Nf9> ). This 
is not horrible, but when running this query for a dozen stations, it becomes 
noticeable. As such, I was wondering if I could do better. Looking at that 
explain output, I noticed that the largest time sink was the Merge Join at 
114ms. Some research into that gave me the command "set enable_mergejoin=off” 
which I tried just for fun to see what would happen. 

Somewhat to my surprise, this actually shaved a good 80ms off the total run 
time (see https://explain.depesz.com/s/kpncZ 
<https://explain.depesz.com/s/kpncZ>). Looking at that, I see it does a 
Parallel Hash Join, which looks like it should be slower, but I guess since it 
can do it in parallel, it winds up faster? Not sure on that, but the overall 
time is definitely significantly faster. Which leaves me with a couple of 

1) Since not using a merge join is, in this case apparently better, is there 
some way I can tweak the query/settings such that it knows this without having 
to force the merge join off?

2) If not, are there any side effects/gotchas I should be aware of if I simply 
call that set command before each query (or, presumably before the series of 

3) Is there anything else I can do to optimize the query? I have tried using a 
pre-calculated point column rather than calculating ST_Point( g1.lon, g1.lat), 
as well as providing “false” as the last argument to ST_Distance, but while 
these did speed things up some, it was only about 10ms or so, so not terribly 

If it helps, the goal behind the somewhat odd arguments to ST_Distance is to 
find the component North/South and East/West distances, rather than the actual 
total “point a to point b” distance. Perhaps there is a better way of obtaining 
that goal?

Israel Brewster
Software Engineer
Alaska Volcano Observatory 
Geophysical Institute - UAF 
2156 Koyukuk Drive 
Fairbanks AK 99775-7320
Work: 907-474-5172
cell:  907-328-9145

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