Steve Baldwin <> writes:
> I agree with Michael. Another consideration is how the composite type is
> going to be handled in the DB layer of your processing code (e.g. node,
> python, ...).  In the scenario you described it seems unlikely you will be
> either having multiple columns of that type on your PO table, or using that
> composite type on a different table, so apart from the 'interest' factor,
> I'm not seeing any practical benefit.  Composite types are also slightly
> painful in the change they bring to the way you reference them. For example
> typically you need to surround the outer column in brackets - e.g.
> (dates).discount_last_date. If you are using an ORM library, does it know
> how to deal with that?

I faced a similar issue when using Enums with with rust lang. The Diesel
ORM didn't support it directly. Had to struggle with custom code in the
Model layer.

Pankaj Jangid

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