El día sábado, noviembre 09, 2019 a las 07:45:31p. m. +0100, Matthias Apitz 

> Thanks for the feedback. Client and server run both on the same Linux
> host. I found also the debug log of ESQL/C i.e. how to enable it with
> ECPGdebug(int on, FILE *stream);
> The resulting log is really fine for debugging our code:
> ...

I added time stamps to the logging as:

[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:44:637]: ecpg_execute on line 120: query: insert into 
mytypes values ( $1  , $2  , $3  , $4  , $5  ); with 5 parameter(s) on 
connection newsisis
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:46:881]: ecpg_execute on line 120: using PQexecParams
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:46:881]: ecpg_free_params on line 120: parameter 1 = 
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:46:881]: ecpg_free_params on line 120: parameter 2 =
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:46:881]: ecpg_free_params on line 120: parameter 3 = 
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:46:881]: ecpg_free_params on line 120: parameter 4 =
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:46:881]: ecpg_free_params on line 120: parameter 5 = 
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:47:084]: ecpg_process_output on line 120: OK: INSERT 
0 1
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:47:084]: ECPGtrans on line 126: action "commit"; 
connection "newsisis"
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:47:260]: deallocate_one on line 0: name s_statename
[18328] [12.11.2019 18:38:47:263]: ecpg_finish: connection newsisis closed

The above shows an INSERT into a 'bytea' column of ~36 MByte (yes we
have such large XML data for billing/accounting processes in the
database). It takes ~0.2 sec to insert such a monster row.

On INSERT/UPDATE the column data (XML) comes down from the application
layer as a 'char *' pointer. I know with strlen(src) how long it is, I double
its length and add 3 (for the "\x" in front and the '\0' at the end) and malloc
the space for the host variable for INSERT/UPDATE and translate the
octets to hex representation.

When FETCH-ing such a column I do not know the resulting length of the
bytea data for doing a malloc(). I could do before any FETCH a

SELECT octet_length(myblob) FROM mytypes;

but I do not know how expensive this would be.

Any other idea to predict the needed space for the host variable on


Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub

"Glaube wenig, hinterfrage alles, denke selbst: Wie man Manipulationen 
"Believe little, scrutinise all, think by your own: How see through 
ISBN-10: 386489218X

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