On 11/13/19 11:58 PM, İlyas Derse wrote:

Please reply to list also.
Ccing list.

I want to do like this ;

I can't make sense of the below. I don't see where "x" and "y" are used in the function, unless they supposed to be "id" and "filesize". I have no idea what the QUERY is doing? Pretty sure you don't want an unconstrained select on a table. Can you provide a working example of what you are doing in SQL Server with sample output from same?

|CREATEorREPLACE FUNCTIONpublic."test"(INOUT "x"integer,INOUT "y"text)RETURNS TABLE("id"integer,"filesize"character varying(36))AS$$BEGINRETURNQUERY SELECT*FROMpublic."tbl_employees";END;$$LANGUAGE plpgsql;|

|I need to call table and inout parameters together at another place.|

Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>>, 8 Kas 2019 Cum, 18:25 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

    On 11/8/19 12:18 AM, İlyas Derse wrote:
     > I'm trying to migration to PostgreSql from SQL Server.  I have
     > Procedures what have output parameters and return tables. How can
    i do
     > both together.

    Can you show an example of a SQL Server procedure that demonstrates
    you want to achieve?

     > Its like ;
     > CREATE or replace FUNCTION public."test" (INOUT "x" integer,
    INOUT "y"
     > character varying(36))
     > "id" integer,
     > "filesize" character varying(36)
     > )
     > AS $$
     >   BEGIN
     >    x=6;
     > SELECT * FROM    public."tbl_employees" ;
     > END;
     > $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
     > I can not create that because of inout parameters.
     > Another place;
     > do $$
     > DECLARE b integer = 1;
     > DECLARE d integer = 2 ;
     > BEGIN
     >    select * from public."test"();
     > END;
     > $$;
     >   Anybody have an idea ?

-- Adrian Klaver
    adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

Adrian Klaver

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