Il 21/11/19 15:21, Jason L. Amerson ha scritto:

could not connect to server: Connection refused (Ox0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host " xx.xx.xx.xx" and accepting

TCP/IP connections on port 5432'

Connection refused means somthing has blocked it. If it was all OK and simply Postgres was not listening, you should've received a "connection timed out"(10060) message.
Have you tried adjusting/tearing off iptables and check what happens, as also Ekaterina pointed out?

And, just as a side note, I normally don't activate IPv6 if it's not necessary (it has not been necessary in the last 10 years :-) ), 'cause I've run in some troubles that have been cleared getting rid of IPv6)
so I'll try editing postgresql.conf as
listen = ''


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