> On Jan 7, 2020, at 12:57 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> wrote:
> On 1/7/20 1:43 PM, Israel Brewster wrote:
>>> On Jan 7, 2020, at 12:21 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com 
>>> <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:
>>> On 1/7/20 1:10 PM, Israel Brewster wrote:
>>>>> On Jan 7, 2020, at 12:01 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com 
>>>>> <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>> wrote:
>>>>> On 1/7/20 12:47 PM, Israel Brewster wrote:
>>>>>> One potential issue I just thought of with this approach: disk space. 
>>>>>> Will I be doubling the amount of space used while both tables exist? If 
>>>>>> so, that would prevent this from working - I don’t have that much space 
>>>>>> available at the moment.
>>>>> It will definitely increase the disk space by at least the data in the 
>>>>> new table. How much relative to the old table is going to depend on how 
>>>>> aggressive the AUTOVACUUM/VACUUM is.
>>>>> A suggestion for an alternative approach:
>>>>> 1) Create a table:
>>>>> create table change_table(id int, changed_fld some_type)
>>>>> where is is the PK from the existing table.
>>>>> 2) Run your conversion function against existing table with change to 
>>>>> have it put new field value in change_table keyed to id/PK. Probably do 
>>>>> this in batches.
>>>>> 3) Once all the values have been updated, do an UPDATE set changed_field 
>>>>> = changed_fld from change_table where existing_table.pk = change_table.id 
>>>>> <http://change_table.id>;
>>>> Makes sense. Use the fast SELECT to create/populate the other table, then 
>>>> the update can just be setting a value, not having to call any functions. 
>>>> From what you are saying about updates though, I may still need to batch 
>>>> the UPDATE section, with occasional VACUUMs to maintain disk space. Unless 
>>>> I am not understanding the concept of “tuples that are obsoleted by an 
>>>> update”, which is possible.
>>> You are not. For a more thorough explanation see:
>>> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/routine-vacuuming.html#VACUUM-BASICS
>>> How much space do you have to work with?
>>> To get an idea of the disk space currently used by table see;
>>> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/functions-admin.html#FUNCTIONS-ADMIN-DBOBJECT
>> Oh, ok, I guess I was being overly paranoid on this front. Those functions 
>> would indicate that the table is only 7.5 GB, with another 8.7GB of indexes, 
>> for a total of around 16GB. So not a problem after all - I have around 100GB 
>> available.
>> Of course, that now leaves me with the mystery of where my other 500GB of 
>> disk space is going, since it is apparently NOT going to my DB as I had 
>> assumed, but solving that can wait.
> Assuming you are on some form of Linux:
> sudo du -h -d 1 /
> Then you can drill down into the output of above.

Yep. Done it many times to discover a runaway log file or the like. Just mildly 
amusing that solving one problem leads to another I need to take care of as 
well… But at least the select into a new table should work nicely. Thanks!

Israel Brewster
Software Engineer
Alaska Volcano Observatory 
Geophysical Institute - UAF 
2156 Koyukuk Drive 
Fairbanks AK 99775-7320
Work: 907-474-5172
cell:  907-328-9145
>> Thanks again for all the good information and suggestions!
>> ---
>> Israel Brewster
>> Software Engineer
>> Alaska Volcano Observatory
>> Geophysical Institute - UAF
>> 2156 Koyukuk Drive
>> Fairbanks AK 99775-7320
>> Work: 907-474-5172
>> cell:  907-328-9145
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Israel Brewster
>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>> Alaska Volcano Observatory
>>>>>> Geophysical Institute - UAF
>>>>>> 2156 Koyukuk Drive
>>>>>> Fairbanks AK 99775-7320
>>>>>> Work: 907-474-5172
>>>>>> cell:  907-328-9145
>>>>> --
>>>>> Adrian Klaver
>>>>> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>
>>> --
>>> Adrian Klaver
>>> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>
> -- 
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

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