Every now and again, I will encounter an unexplained long-running query.

It’s a head scratcher moment, because this query that is still running for
20 minutes (not blocking) can be run independently in about 500ms

I can only assume that the problem query ran against the table(s) at a time
when it was perhaps in need of a vacuum analyze...  I’m guessing here, that
the table had seen some amount of change and simply had out of date

How can I avoid this?
The auto-vacuum daemon is doing it’s thing, but there is always going to be
an opportunity for a query to sneak in against a table that has recently
seen large change, but not yet been analysed.

On the application side, we can explicitly issue a VACUUM ANALYZE after
each bulk operation - and often that is precisely what happens..

But - I am keenly aware that this cannot be performed within a transaction.
That means there is always a (small) window in which a query can still
execute in this scenario.

Are there any other best practices that can mitigate this kind of problem?

It’s rare, sure - but I don’t like sweeping these under the rug.

I’m on PG 9.6.. perhaps there are planner improvements since then that
might reduce the incidence of these (rare) issues.

Any advice appreciated, thanks.

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