> On Feb 12, 2020, at 7:09 AM, Susan Hurst <susan.hu...@brookhurstdata.com> 
> wrote:
> I once wrote a trigger function to do just what you asked, however, it was a 
> huge drain on performance so I didn't use it for long, so I dropped the 
> trigger.  Hopefully, someone has a more practical approach.  I would be 
> interested in this also.
> Sue
> ---
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Susan E Hurst
> Principal Consultant
> Brookhurst Data LLC
> Email: susan.hu...@brookhurstdata.com
> Mobile: 314-486-3261
>> On 2020-02-12 06:42, srikkanth wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> How can i write the syntax to remove the leading spaces on a table for all 
>> the columns.
>> Also, want to know how to do the all words of all the columns in capital 
>> along with removing of leading\excessive\trailing spaces at a time.
>> Can you please help me out, let me know in case of any

For larger production tables I would stream the converted data through COPY 
into a new table of identical shape, build indeces then rename both and 
truncate/drop old table. 

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