On 5/16/20 3:30 PM, Gavin Flower wrote:
On 17/05/2020 08:12, Ron wrote:
On 5/16/20 7:18 AM, Rob Sargent wrote:
Another problem is storage devices fail.  S3 storage lakes _should_ be checking your data integrity on a regular basis and possibly maintaining copies of it iin multiple locations so you're not vulnerable to a site disaster.
Tape FTW!!
Or WTF Tape??   :)

Tape is durable, long-lasting, high-density, under your control, can be taken off-site (don't underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway!) and -- with the proper software -- is multi-threaded.

Don't you mean multi-spooled??? :-)

That's a superset of multi-threaded IO.

Fascinating problem.  If the dump & load programs are designed to take a parameter for N drives for effective parallel operation, and N > 2, then things will run a lot faster.

I can think of several ways the the data can be dumped in parallel, with various trade-offs.  Would love to know how it's implemented in practice.

An OS with asynchronous, queued, non-blocking IO, and a programming language with callbacks.  OpenVMS has had it since since *at least* the early 1990s, and probably mid-1980s.  I remember backing up an Rdb/VMS database to 10 tape drives at the same time. Typically, though, we "only" used six tape drives for that database, because we simultaneously backed up multiple databases.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

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