On 5/20/20 10:36 AM, Patrick FICHE wrote:


I’m trying to implement a PostgreSQL multi-tenant database that will be accessed by a Web Application.

The users that will login will belong to different companies and a schema was created in the database for each company.

However, I would like the Web Application to connect with a single Postgres login.

Let’s say that I have 2 companies : comp1 and comp2 with their respective schema (comp1 / comp2).

Then, the web application connects with web_app login which has been granted comp1 and comp2 roles….

Depending on the user connecting to the application, I would like to use SET ROLE comp1 / SET ROLE comp2 in order to get access to the relevant data only.

However, it seems that SET ROLE does not change the search_path (which is different for comp1 and comp2).

Is there any way to change the search_path in an easy way (in a procedure) after SET ROLE has been executed.

Am I missing anything with SET ROLE.

When search_path contains “$user”, does it refer to session_user or current_user ?

Thanks for any advice


Does your role definition assign a search_path?

   create role comp1;
   alter role comp1 set search_path=comp1,base,public;

Every re-use of the postgres connection must start by resetting the search_path.  I find it easier to log in as comp1.  Some jiggery-pokery involved in passwords but no one in company #1 needs to know the user name let alone password.

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