On second look, it does seems the xid crossed the 2^32 mark recently, since 
most tables have a frozenxid close to 4b and the current xid is ~50m:

SELECT relname, age(relfrozenxid), relfrozenxid FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 
'r' and relname not like 'pg%' order by relname;

relname          |    age    | relfrozenxid


<table name>              | 107232506 |   4237961815

<table name>              |  93692362 |   4251501959

<table name>              | 183484103 |   4161710218

<table name>              |  50760536 |   4294433785

<table name>              |  58821410 |   4286372911

<table name>              | 117427283 |   4227767038

<table name>              |  94541111 |   4250653210


select max(backend_xid::text), min(backend_xmin::text) from pg_stat_activity 
where state='active';

max | min


50350294 | 50350065


On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 8:42 AM, Mike Klaas < m...@superhuman.com > wrote:

> On Fri, May 22, 2020 at 3:15 PM, Thomas Munro < thomas. munro@ gmail. com (
> thomas.mu...@gmail.com ) > wrote:
>> Predicate locks are released by ClearOldPredicateLocks(), which releases
>> SERIALIZABLEXACTs once they are no longer interesting. It has a
>> conservative idea of what is no longer interesting: it waits until the
>> lowest xmin across active serializable snapshots is >= the transaction's
>> finishedBefore xid, which was the system's next xid (an xid that hasn't
>> been used yet*) at the time the SERIALIZABLEXACT committed. One
>> implication of this scheme is that SERIALIZABLEXACTs are cleaned up in
>> commit order. If you somehow got into a state where a few of them were
>> being kept around for a long time, but others committed later were being
>> cleaned up (which I suppose must be the case or your system would be
>> complaining about running out of SERIALIZABLEXACTs), that might imply that
>> there is a rare leak somewhere in this scheme. In the past I have wondered
>> if there might be a problem with wraparound in the xid tracking for
>> finished transactions, but I haven't worked out the details (transaction
>> ID wraparound is both figuratively and literally the Ground Hog Day of
>> PostgreSQL bug surfaces).
> Thanks for the detailed reply, Thomas.  Is SERIALIZABLEXACT transaction ID
> wraparound the same as global xid wraparound?  The max transaction age in
> the db is ~197M [1] so I don't think we've gotten close to global
> wraparound lately.
> Would it be helpful to cross-post this thread to pgsql-bugs or further
> investigate on my end
> -Mike
> [1] superhuman@ production => select datname, datfrozenxid,
> age(datfrozenxid) from pg_catalog.pg_database;
> datname | datfrozenxid | age
> ---------------+--------------+-----------
> cloudsqladmin | 4173950091 | 169089900
> template0 | 4266855294 | 76184697
> postgres | 4173951306 | 169088685
> template1 | 4266855860 | 76184131
> superhuman | 4145766807 | 197273184

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