On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 1:24 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.kla...@aklaver.com>

> On 7/16/20 1:17 PM, Devraj B wrote:
> Please reply to list also.
> Ccing list.
> > Thanks Adrian,
> >
> > I had granted LOGIN to  PostgreSQL user  firstname.lastname but do Not
> > want to provide a database password,
> > rather I wanna access the database using my JumpCloud password directly
> > from my Macbook Pro using LDAP authentication or any other
> authentication.
> >
> > Please suggest me following:
> >
> >> But I want to setup JumpCloud or LDAP or any other authentication so
> >> that I can connect PostgreSQL user  "firstname.lastname" directly from
> >> my Macbook Pro Terminal using my JumpCloud Password. Like:-
> That's outside my knowledge, so someone else is going to have to jump in
> on this.

It is quite possible this can be done.  I mean, there are 11 different
authentication methods mentioned in the documentation.  But the thing is,
actually setting up the link between the external authentication method and
PostgreSQL takes knowledge and skills outside the normal DBA's skillset and
outside the responsibility of PostgreSQL.  It may be that there is
information on the Internet, or someone chimes in (though 2 business days
without a response means I wouldn't hold my breath), but the documentation
is only going to be of limited use - but is important none-the-less.

My suggestion to the OP is to just get password or other PostgreSQL-only
authentication working, possibly with the help of PostgreSQL people, and
then decide whether the convenience of what is basically single-sign-on is
worth the learning curve.

David J.

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