On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 6:34 PM raf <r...@raf.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just wrote a query that I didn't expect to work but I
> was pleasantly surprised that it did. It looked
> something like this:
>   select
>     a.aaa,
>     c.ccc,
>     d.ddd1,
>     d.ddd2
>   from
>     tbla a,
>     tblb b,
>     tblc c,
>     funcd(c.id) d
>   where
>     a.something = something and
>     b.something = a.something and
>     c.something = b.something
> How does it know which c.id to use for the function
> without going all cartesian product on me?

Using the comma-separated from syntax doesn't force the planner to perform
a full multi-relation cartesian join (though conceptually that is what
happens) - it still only joins two relations at a time.  After it joins a,
b, and c it joins each row of that result with all of the rows produced by
evaluating funcd(c.id).

>From the SELECT docs for LATERAL:

"When a FROM item contains LATERAL cross-references, evaluation proceeds as
follows: for each row of the FROM item providing the cross-referenced
column(s), or set of rows of multiple FROM items providing the columns, the
LATERAL item is evaluated using that row or row set's values of the
columns. The resulting row(s) are joined as usual with the rows they were
computed from. This is repeated for each row or set of rows from the column
source table(s)."

That said, the planner would be within its rights to indeed evaluate
funcd for every single row in tblc - applying c.something=b.something to
the final result would still cause those rows from funcd where the
attribute something for the given c.id matches the where clause filter to
be excluded.

I was sure I'd done something similar once that
> (sensibly) didn't work, and I needed a loop to call the
> function in, but I might be thinking of something in an
> outer join's "on" clause. Does that make sense?

You probably tried it before we added LATERAL to our engine.

David J.

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