Hi developers,
We have a strange case where some rows are removed. I think it is a bug,
but before notifying it I prefer to ask here where I am wrong.

*Postgres 12*
Given the following structure:

create table parent ( id serial, constraint parent_pkey primary key (id))
partition by range (id);
create table parent_10 partition of parent for values from (0) to (10);
create table parent_20 partition of parent for values from (11) to (20);

create table child (
 id serial,
 parent_id int constraint parent_id_fk references parent(id) on update
cascade on delete cascade);

-- Notice the on update cascade on delete cascade.

insert into parent values(0);
insert into child values(1,0);

-- Here are the rows

postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
  1 |         0
(1 row)

*-- Update the parent table id, with a value contained in the same
update parent set id = 5;

postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

postgres=# table child;
 id | parent_id
  1 |         5
(1 row)

*-- Update the parent table, with a value contained into other partition*
update parent set id = 15;

postgres=# update parent set id = 15;
postgres=# table parent;
(1 row)

*postgres=# table child; id | parent_id----+-----------(0 rows)*

No error or warning was thrown. The rows in the child table were removed.
I think what has happened is: The update caused a DELETE in the table
parent_10 (removing the rows from child table) and then the INSERT into

We've checked the documentation but didn't find something about this
unexpected behaviour.

Trying without "on delete cascade" clause throws a "parent key not found

Thank you!

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