On 2/10/20 2:08 π.μ., tutilu...@tutanota.com wrote:

    On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 10:40 PM <tutilu...@tutanota.com
    <mailto:tutilu...@tutanota.com>> wrote:

            Well not partial as in incremental. Instead dump only some
            portion of the schema with or without its associated data.

        It's funny that you should bring that up, considering how it
        was one of my points... See the point about pg_dump's bug on

    And you seem to have ignored the fact that one of the core
    developers pointed out that it likely isn't a pg_dump bug - if
    your terminal is using the same locale as the database, it should
    have no difficulty dealing with the characters you are having
    trouble with.  It seems likely that you simply need to learn how
    to get your terminal set up correctly for it to work.

Yeah, this isn't rude or insulting at all...

Funny how my "incorrectly set up terminal" works perfectly for all other programs and my own test scripts, but not for pg_dump specifically. And only when using "special" characters. As already pointed out multiple times, in great detail, to deaf ears. Very interesting how you can manage to twist and bend that into it still somehow being "my fault". Because of course it cannot be pg_dump's fault. Absolutely not. It is unthinkable. It's the "rude user"'s fault who had the audacity to point out yet another PG bug which more than likely won't *ever* be fixed, as it's not even recognized, much less cared about. Probably because they *want* PostgreSQL to be crippled on Windows, judging by the responses in the past and how incredibly broken the joke of an installer is.

You should call it "Linux software with minimal pre-alpha Windows support" instead of pretending that it's cross-platform, and that goes for many FOSS projects as well which think exactly the same as you. The fact that I still use this garbage OS (Windows) speaks volumes of how incredibly crappy Linux is, which is utterly *unusable*.

But of course I should be grateful no matter what because it doesn't cost money. Because my time and energy is worthless. And the competition is "even worse", so that means I cannot point out any fault, ever, no matter how serious or how easily it could be fixed. I should just shut up and thank everyone for insulting me through carelessness and words. Or "fix it myself", because that's obviously an option as I haven't done it so far...

I did read the rest of your e-mail, but it would be pointless to reply to it as you clearly have the mentality that everyone should dedicate their lives to configuring a database and buying books instead of using it, because everyone should be core developers and everything must always be cryptic and difficult and blablabla. I'm sick of this attitude, and especially of being called "rude" by such rude-beyond-words people.

It would be refreshing to hear your be honest for once and just admit that you *want* it to be difficult. You *like* that there's a high threshold and it makes you feel superior to exclude "dumb" people who can't figure out all these cryptic (and downright broken) things. I truly believe that this is the reason for a lot of "weird" things which seem to make no sense on the surface.

I'd say take your time, take some deep breaths and decide that's good for you. Back in 2004 and after 3 yrs of full production software with postgresql someone from the mailing list (he's also in this thread!!) called me a "newbie", and I immediately started looking for alternatives, only to find out simply that there was no better DB software in the market/world back then (and still as we speak). So I stayed with PGSQL and wrote what I believe the best non-tcp-ip DB replication solution for marine and shipping business (over satellite), which still thrives today as far as easiness, automation, completeness, correctness and cost are concerned.

+ I discover every day that I am still a newbie, after 20 yrs with postgresql. This is not personal, this is about being successful in the long run, one should weigh his options and act accordingly. It took me/us a long time before we spent a single penny on someone to write or fix code that would work for us, but this moment eventually came, there is a roof when going with community software. That roof came for us much much later since we begun using PostgreSQL. Value for money is so hard to beat. I have seen the code by our MS SQL partners , some interesting and serious things happening there but when they listen what stock free pgsql can do they just freak out (the ones who understand).

So my advice, tell your CEO's the true potential of this technology and maybe show them some stats, some results of others, some numbers. Put them side by side with the rest of serious solutions and then decide.

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