Snjezana Frketic schrieb am 18.11.2020 um 17:00:
I actually have version 9.3.17 😬

On Wed, 18 Nov 2020 at 15:55, Thomas Kellerer < 
<>> wrote:

    Snjezana Frketic schrieb am 18.11.2020 um 11:29:
     > I have a column called |targeting| in a table called |campaigns| .
     > [...]
     > and I need to select all the |ids| in |includes|.
     > Currently, I am doing it like this
     > SELECT 

    If you are on Postgres 12 or later, this can be done using 

       select jsonb_path_query_array(targeting, '$.targets[*].*.includes.** 
       from campaigns

If you are limited to an unsupported version, you need to go down the hierarchy 

select t.ids
from campaigns c
   cross join lateral (
     select array_agg(s2.seg2 ->> 'id') as ids
     from json_array_elements(c.targeting -> 'targets') as t(target)
       cross join json_array_elements( -> 'audienceSegments') as a(aud)
       cross join json_array_elements(a.aud -> 'includes') as i(include)
       cross join json_array_elements(i.include #> '{segments,allOf}') as s(seg)
       cross join json_array_elements(s.seg -> 'ids') as s2(seg2)
   ) t

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