I am building a new type, which will be indexed using a GIN index. Things
are starting to work, and I am seeing queries use the index, call the
partialMatch(), consistent(), and compare() functions, and return correct

However, I am still unclear on some aspects of how partialMatch and
consistent are supposed to work, (so my implementation of consistent()
always sets *refresh to true).

1) The recheck logic of consistent() is unclear to me. The docs say (

On success, *recheck should be set to true if the heap tuple needs to be
rechecked against the query operator, or false if the index test is exact.
That is, a false return value guarantees that the heap tuple does not match
the query; a true return value with *recheck set to false guarantees that
the heap tuple does match the query; and a true return value with *recheck
set to true means that the heap tuple might match the query, so it needs to
be fetched and rechecked by evaluating the query operator directly against
the originally indexed item.

How can it ever be correct to return true and set *recheck to false? My
understanding of conventional (btree) indexes is that the row needs to be
retrieved, and the index condition rechecked, because the table has
visibility information, and the index does not -- a key in the index might
correspond to an obsolete row version. I understand visibility map
optimizations, and the fact that going to the actual data page can
sometimes be skipped. But that doesn't seem to be what the consistent()
refetch flag is about.

In other words, how can consistent() ever decide that a recheck is not
necessary, since the index entry may be from an obsolete row version?
Couldn't returning true and setting *recheck to false result in a false

2) For partial matches, why does consistent() need to be called at all? For
a given key (2nd arg), partialMatch() decides whether the key satisfies the
index condition. Why is a further check by consistent() required?

I think that my mental model of how GIN works must be way off. Is there a
presentation or paper that explains how GIN works?

Jack Orenstein

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