
I disagree in some of the points:

El día domingo, enero 17, 2021 a las 10:10:28a. m. -0700, David G. Johnston 

> Neither images nor non-plain-text means that the content is unreadable, not
> useful, or problematic.  Dealing with these on an email-by-email basis
> through the community seems fine.

Mails to a mailing list should be text (or even ASCII) because not all
subscribers can read HTML or images and they're not needed to describe a

Images have the risk to have malicious content with the intention to use bugs
in the image viewers. HTML can "phone home" with one pixel href's to
check if you opened the HTML page.

> As we seem to be compiling a list for people to review upfront (the major
> points in this thread should make it to the website and be linked to by
> community responders when encountering said problematic posts).
> Always reply-to-all.

Why? Why I (and other subscribers) have to have the same mail twice in
the mbox?

> ...

Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
¡Con Cuba no te metas!  «»  Don't mess with Cuba!  «»  Leg Dich nicht mit Kuba 

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