Le sam. 13 mars 2021 à 21:29, Andrus <kobrule...@hot.ee> a écrit :

> 2. Tried to run old server using
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\pg_ctl.exe" start -D
> "D:/Centos93Data/data"
> got error
> FATAL:  database files are incompatible with server
> DETAIL:  The database cluster was initialized with USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL but
> the server was compiled without USE_FLOAT8_BYVAL.
> HINT:  It looks like you need to recompile or initdb.
> I tried both 32 and 64 bit 9.3 servers in windows but error is the same.
> How to recover data from 9.3 linux directory ?
that won't work on windows. pg_upgrade only works if source and target
environment are binary compatible, which isn't the case for windows / GNU


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