On 5/26/21 12:50 PM, Rob Sargent wrote:
I have what purports to be Postgres 12 ( PostgreSQL 12.5 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11), 64-bit ) running on RDS.  I testing a new release of my service with an admittedly large data set (which may be my swamping AWS bandwidth).  But my app logs tell me a table was created and loaded (and later, read)

From my tomcat log

    00:09:58.567 [https-jsse-nio-] DEBUG
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadFromMux - STAGING TABLE CREATED:
    bulk."rjs_GEV15_15_ff3ba73c_d927_431c_bd29_9687a47f1594" 00:09:58.585
    [https-jsse-nio-] INFO
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadFromMux -
    ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594: started COPY work at
    1621987798585 00:09:58.586 [ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594] INFO
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadWriterThread -
    bulk."rjs_GEV15_15_ff3ba73c_d927_431c_bd29_9687a47f1594": Begin bulk
    copy segment 00:10:01.597 [https-jsse-nio-]
    ERROR edu.utah.camplab.servlet.PayloadSaveServlet - received payload
    00:10:01.598 [https-jsse-nio-] DEBUG
    org.jooq.impl.DefaultConnectionProvider - setting auto commit : false
    00:10:01.599 [https-jsse-nio-] DEBUG
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadFromMux -
    074d449b-c3ba-499f-83e3-f48427fe0156: start transaction at
    1621987801599 00:10:01.599 [https-jsse-nio-]
    DEBUG org.jooq.impl.DefaultConnectionProvider - set savepoint
    00:10:07.511 [ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594] INFO
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadWriterThread - bulk transfer of 2528447
    took 8.925s 00:10:07.511 [ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594] DEBUG
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadWriterThread - staged in 8925 ms
    00:10:07.567 [https-jsse-nio-] INFO
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadFromMux -
    ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594: Total segment save took 9486 ms
    00:10:07.567 [https-jsse-nio-] INFO
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.AbstractPayload -
    ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594: closing process
    ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594 00:10:07.608
    [https-jsse-nio-] DEBUG
    org.jooq.impl.DefaultConnectionProvider - release savepoint
    00:10:07.609 [https-jsse-nio-] DEBUG
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.PayloadFromMux -
ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594: end transaction at 1621987807609 Which claims to have written 2,528,447 records in roughly 9 seconds into the newly created table "bulk.rjs.GEV15_15_FF3ba73c_d927_431c_bd29_9687147f1594". Nice.

However, no such table exists, though later processing renames it by appending "_done" to the name (being careful to remain under 64 char)

My middleware does receive an exception notice

    00:10:55.101 [https-jsse-nio-] ERROR
    edu.utah.camplab.jx.AbstractPayload - run
    ff3ba73c-d927-431c-bd29-9687a47f1594: Exception from db write: SQL
    [insert into segment select * from
    bulk."rjs_GEV15_15_ff3ba73c_d927_431c_bd29_9687a47f1594" as s where
    s.probandset_id >= 'a0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' and
    s.probandset_id < 'b0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' ]; An I/O
error occurred while sending to the backend.: {}

which confirms(?) that the table /was/ there and read from 10 times prior since I copy from this temp, bulk loaded table to the actual target in 16 chunks by diddling the first hex digit from 0 through f.  Here zero through nine apparently didn't have a problem.  These 16 inserts are in a single transaction, separate from the bulk copy.  (There are a dozen more  of these files processed and disappeared.)

My question is:
Should I be surprised that the initial bulk loaded table is nowhere to be seen, given the thumbs up from the logs?  Is this frailty inherent in AWS/RDS infrastructure?

Since this is an academic exorcise, I have minimal AWS support, which has yet to chime in on this matter. My access to the logs is um, er, constrained.

The big differences I notice are:

1. "postgres" is not a superuser,
2. viewing logs is a hassle.

Otherwise, they're really similar.  We've pumped about 6TB of data into an instance, and it's been rock solid.  JBoss is quite happy, and there haven't been any problems.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

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