
On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 6:20 PM Sam Gendler <> wrote:
>  It could probably be argued that the prohibition was more relevant in the 
> days before 99% of users read their email  via clients which hide quoted 
> content unless it is explicitly expanded. Arguably, smarter digesting 
> software which strips out unnecessary quotations of earlier posts from 
> beneath top-posted content would be a more effective solution now that it is 
> no longer common netiquette (nor all that necessary) to avoid top posting.

I, personally, do not have a problem with the space, I use a 4k, gmail
collapses it AND stopping reading things like unnecessarily quoted
messages,  signatures and CO2 emitting eco recomendations to avoid
printing as become nearly automatic. My problem is I can understand a
message like yours in 5-10 seconds, properly scanning a top posted one
takes much longer. So normally I stop reading at the quote and discard
the message if I have not understood with what I have read UNLESS it's
from my mother or I'm been paid to read it.

I find top-posting moderately offensive, like saying "I am not going
to waste time to make your reading experience better".

Francisco Olarte.

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