At Fri, 9 Jul 2021 10:49:46 -0600, Jeff Ross <> wrote in 
> Hello,
> I'm working with an RDS instance running 12 that has an old
> subscription that I can't seem to drop.
> It shows up here:
> mirror_admin@metro_logical> select * from pg_subscription;
>    oid  │ subdbid  │     subname      │ subowner │ ...
> ────┼─────┼─────────┼─────┼ ...
>   83645 │    66754 │ cargowel_common  │    16394 │ ...
>   83646 │    66754 │ metro_prod       │    16394 │ ...
>   51490 │    14313 │ metro            │    16394 │ ...
> (3 rows)
> But not in here:
> mirror_admin@metro_logical> \dRs+
> List of subscriptions
>        Name       │     Owner    │ Enabled  │ Publication 
> ─────────┼───────┼─────┼───────────
>  cargowel_common  │ mirror_admin │ t       │ {cargowel_common_prod} 
>  metro_prod       │ mirror_admin │ t       │ {metro_prod} 
> (2 rows)
> And it can't be disabled or dropped:

Look at the subdbid field in the first query result.  You were logging
into the databsae with OID=66754 and the subscription "metro" belongs
to the database 14313.  The second command doesn't show metro which is
not of the current database.

> mirror_admin@metro_logical> alter subscription metro disable;
> ERROR:  subscription "metro" does not exist
> Time: 24.263 ms
> mirror_admin@metro_logical> drop subscription metro;
> ERROR:  subscription "metro" does not exist
> Time: 23.648 ms
> I did try deleting it directly from the pg_subscription table but that
> failed with a permission denied error.  My suspicion is that's because
> of the RDS environment.
> What else can I try to remove this old non-functional subscription?

Thus you need to log in to the databse OID=14313 to manipulate on the
subsciption metro.


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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