> r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again
postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  r := (select (10,20));
  raise notice '%', to_json(r);
NOTICE:  {"f1":10,"f2":20}
postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  r := (select (10,20)::footype);
  raise notice '%', to_json(r);
NOTICE:  {"a":10,"b":20}

> Thanks, but I don't understand your "r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is
> composite with labels again". I tried this:
> create procedure p(i in int)
>   language plpgsql
> as $body$
> declare
>   r record;
> begin
>   case i
>     when 1 then
>       select (b, t)::type1
>       into r
>       from tab1
>       where k = 1;
>     when 2 then
>       r := (
>         select (b, t)::type1
>         from tab1
>         where k = 1);
>     else null;
>   end case;
> end;
> $body$;
> call p(3);
> call p(2);
> call p(1);
> My idea with using a procedure and choosing which code path is followed at
> run-time is to distinguish between compile-time errors (there are none
> here) and run-time errors. Of course, "call p(3)" finishes with no error.
> But both the other calls cause the same error:
> 42846: cannot cast type record to type1

the message is maybe not too intuitive, these casts are broken - you try to
cast (boolean, type1) => type1

The cast can ignore some fields from right or can add nulls from right, but
it cannot skip fields from left.

> But you say that this should work!

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