Oh, yeah, wow. Big topic.

My original post in the series is in significant part about how SQL hides this 
sort of thing from you.

A table is a set:  a set of true facts, all having the same structure, so you 
can operate on all of them with any operation on the individual rows.

Multiple tables, multiples facts. Sometimes about the same things, which is 
what a join does: the join key is the identifier of the things a bunch of 
statements are all about. A user has a name, and a login, and a creation date. 
When the identifier is the primary key, there is only such statement. When it’s 
a foreign key, there are multiple statements.

As an aside: it would be perfectly reasonable to have multiple tables with the 
same primary key. Or with the same foreign key. You could have only “foreign 
keys” on a bunch of different tables.

When you do a join, you’re finding all the “x and y” statements that the system 
knows to be true. That’s why a 1:many joins produces duplicate 1-side values in 
its results.

When you do a where, you’re reducing the number of rows by only finding the 
rows with a certain property. The joins and wheres together give you a very 
expressive logic engine.

There are two equivalent ways of looking at what the database does: it stores 
logical statements and acts as a logic engine; or it stores sets of tuples and 
gives you set operations on them.

Go read up on the basics of Datalog: it makes all of this beautifully obvious.

My original post was about how different the computer industry would be if only 
we’d made relations as easy as Datalog does. The entire industry would look 
different, just as garbage collection made the entire industry different.
On Sep 14, 2021, 21:55 -0700, Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com>, wrote:
> Rich Shepard said on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 05:49:07 -0700 (PDT)
> > On Mon, 13 Sep 2021, Guyren Howe wrote:
> >
> > > They are making a decent decision. SQL is a *fucking terrible*
> > > language, which I don’t blame them for not wanting to learn.
> >
> > > > SQL is not the problem. Problem are the devs. I love SQL. I hate
> > > > orms. The problem with databases is people refuse to treat it as
> > > > the entity it is and want to use their beautiful OO system. Problem
> > > > is databases are not OO. We need to recognize that and treat
> > > > databases as databases.
> >
> > Guyren/Hemil,
> >
> > As a non-SQL expert who's used postgres since 1997 I've come to
> > believe the basic issue is that SQL is based on sets, neither
> > procedural or object oriented. Few people think in sets so they try to
> > fit SQL into what they know rather than understand the how sets work.
> Rich, could you please elaborate on SQL queries being based on sets? I
> never thought of it that way, and would like to hear your related
> thoughts.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
> Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques

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