On 10/15/21 21:54, Ron wrote:

There is no straight time range, you would have to use tsrange or tstzrange. The principle still holds though you can make ranges overlap or not depending on '[)' or '[]'.

OP refers to the OVERLAP operator (is it an operator), not the tsrange() function.

Your statement was:

"The numeric ranges 0-10 and 10-19 overlap, just as the time ranges 00:01:00-00:00:02:00 overlaps 00:02:00-00:03:00."

I was just pointing out that is not necessarily true. As was pointed out upstream there are good reasons for not having 1:00-2:00 and 2:00-3:00 overlap.

As David pointed out it is about following the documented behavior. I still have to remember, on occasion, that BETWEEN actually includes the end points not just points in between them.

Adrian Klaver

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