
As we need to use the plpython3u extension, we tried to install the
plpython3 package but showed that we needed to install python3-libs,
but python36-libs was already installed for patroni usage.

1. Will installing python3-libs affect current python36-libs usage?
2. If we can do some configuration to let python36-libs work as
python3-libs then no need to install   python3-libs? Thanks

# yum localinstall /tmp/postgresql11-plpython3-11.11-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64.rpm
           Requires: python3-libs
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

# yum search python3 | grep libs
python34-libs.x86_64 : Python 3 runtime libraries
python36-libs.x86_64 : Python runtime libraries
shiboken-python36-libs.x86_64 : CPython bindings generator for C++
libraries -
# yum list python36-libs.x86_64
Installed Packages

Thank you

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