On Mon, 2021-12-06 at 10:19 -0700, Rob Sargent wrote:
> To be clear, is it the devs or the ORM that's adding the ORDER  and
> the 
> LIMIT?  I'm betting on devs.  Do they need the smallest id (first 
> occurrance?) or do they need data common to all 5096 entries
> (Name?) and 
> any record will do?.  For the former they might be better off
> asking for 
> just the attributes they need and for the latter you need to
> provide an 
> option which gets them that single record.  Of course, If they have
> the 
> "smallest id" in hand they should request that.

That assumes I could figure what bit of ORM code is generating this,
talk to them, and then get them to actually think about what data
they're looking for and it's impact on the database. :/ Given my 25
year track record with devs, I'm thinking of that as plan B.
Hopefully though if they're looking for something common to all the
records they would look at the parent table instead.

I do expect the dev actually specified the order/limit for some

Thank you for the suggestions.

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