
On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 05:15:33AM +0700, Yudianto Prasetyo wrote:
> I'm confused when I have 2 HDD. HDD 1 is used to install the OS and
> postgresql database. when HDD 1 is full. how to increase the capacity of
> postgresql database with HDD 2 (without RAID system)?
> is there any other way like oracle DB's "add datafile" which can be used to
> add capacity to another HDD?

I don't know how those datafiles are working, but with postgres the solution is
to create additional tablespaces pointing to the new drives, see

Note that a single non-partitioned table can only exist on a single tablespace,
so if you have a gigantic table that's becoming bigger than you disk, the
solution might be to partition it and store different partitions on different

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