> If it is experimental you could try pg_resetwal:


Found this, had to use -f (program hint), but no luck. Same error.

Is there anything else?

Problem stille here: during restore (from pg_dumpall on 11 on i386) server on OPi crashed during CREATE INDEX phase. Some indexes and triggers are missing.

SQL file has 16GB...

How can I prevent this in future (1), and (2) how to repair (maybe doing dump/restore again?) the "slave" database?

I'd like to have a replica of my DB on laptop, especially after seeing unrecoverable crash on OPi...


[BTW my "logical restore" runs already 9h... still making indexes, DB is not very large, on i386 ~50GB]


Read all the way through for the ifs/ands/buts.

If it is not possible to get rid ("somehow") of this "replication error", I will do a "logic restore" -> I have similar database on my laptop, so I'll get a pg_dumpall from this one, then recreate fresh DB on OPi and restore from SQL.

It looks that DATA in PG DB is protected by various mechanisms very well, but "dictionary data" (in this case replication data) is not (as much). And in my case ext4 recovery mechanisms failed.

This makes me logical replication more appealing.


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