On 06.07.22 11:31, Stefan Froehlich wrote:
I have a database returing these result sets for two almost
identical queries:

$ select id, pid, length(pid), md5(pid) from product where pid  like '8000000';
  id   | pid     | length |               md5
  3594 | 8000000 |      7 | 60b5792913f4acbccf45c281fa9e3c9f
(1 row)

$ select id, pid, length(pid), md5(pid) from product where pid  like '%8000000';
  id   | pid     | length |               md5
  3594 | 8000000 |      7 | 60b5792913f4acbccf45c281fa9e3c9f
   722 | 8000000 |      7 | 60b5792913f4acbccf45c281fa9e3c9f
(2 rows)

Check the EXPLAIN output for the two queries. Maybe there is index corruption somewhere.

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