How will DELETE WHERE sales_id IN (...); , given that test_old has no index?

Of course, we don't know if there's an index on sales.bill_date, since OP's only response has been another "tell me how to do it".

On 7/20/22 13:32, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 7/20/22 11:16 AM, Ron wrote:
But the first thing he does is drop test_old.


Create table test_old as select * from sales where bill_date<now() -interval '1 year';

At that point you could do either:

Delete from sales where sales_id in (select sales_id from test_old);


DELETE FROM sales WHERE bill_date<NOW() -INTERVAL '1 year';

On 7/20/22 09:52, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 7/20/22 01:28, Ron wrote:
On 7/20/22 00:08, Rama Krishnan wrote:
Hi All,

I am doing purge activity my sales table contains 5M records I am going to delete more than 1 year data (which was 3M) records so it was running more so I want to do batch wise deletion through plsql

 created or replace function data_purge() returns void as$$
Drop table test_old;
Create table test_old as select * from sales where bill_date<now() -interval '1 year';

Delete table sales where sales_id in (select sales_id from test_old;

$$ language plpgsql;

Kindly guide me

Why not just DELETE FROM sales WHERE bill_date<NOW() -INTERVAL '1 year';?

Because it looks like the OP is saving the old records in test_old.

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